Bonus post: link to a response about racism

In A Fresh Voice, Jarrod Brown responded to Comparative racism with a post of his own, about the danger of being colorblind. Lots of links in a small space. Sorry. If you’re only going to follow one, follow the last one, to his post. It’s a thoughtful piece of writing and well worth your time.

5 thoughts on “Bonus post: link to a response about racism

  1. Thanks for that link – a very interesting article.
    I always found the term “being colourblind” viscerally irritating and his article made me work out why. I grew up in multicultural London where we were not encouraged to ignore cultural differences but to enjoy them. I got invited to kosher dinners, cooked Indian curries and friends’ houses, wished them happy Holi and Hannuka and avoided waving food in front of Muslim friends during Ramadam etc etc.
    Much more fun than everyone having to pretend they’re all the same, and I truly believe it’s a better way to eliminate racism.

    Liked by 1 person

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