Bread in medieval England: an update

A quick update for anyone whose imagination was captured by the post on medieval bread making: Aleksandra from the Evendine Sourdough Bakery sent a photo of a trencher loaf she made (and served with pottage) for a medieval event in Evesham. I can only wish I’d been there.

She was working from a recipe in Food and Drink in Medieval Poland: Rediscovering the Cuisine of the Past, by Maria Dembinska.

Trencher loaf, made by Evendine Bakery.

54 thoughts on “Bread in medieval England: an update

  1. I’m sure it must be turnip, but that looks a lot like potato. It does look a lot like I imagine a trencher would look like: just a round loaf cut in half. I think I’m going to have to go and cook my dinner now, as that lovely-looking bread is making me hungry.

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  2. That does look yummy. I’d always imagined trenchers to be sort of oval shape, not sure why, but round ones look good! My gran would do the same sort of thing with a big round Yorkshire Pudding, sunday lunch inside it, that was yum too.

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  3. That’s a meal fit for the field! Looks amazing! I’m pretty sure the Poles fought my ancestors several times throughout history. I wish they had brought back that recipe, so I could’ve grown up eating trencher avec potage, instead of rotfruktsgryta.

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  5. Pingback: History of Bread In Medieval England - Evendine Sourdough Bakery

  6. Pingback: Bread in medieval England β€” Notes from the U.K. | Vermont Folk Troth

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