
<a href=””>Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Don’t bother clicking that. It looks like a link but in fact those words are the magic code that will let you follow me on Bloglovin if you want to. I’m not sure following me that way make your life any easier, but then I’m not sure it won’t, so I thought I’d try it. I know, I know: I’m supposed to sound all excited about this, so imagine a fifty-voice chorus in the background, singing “Hype, hype, hype” in four-part harmony. The lead voice that’s strikingly off key? That’d be me.

12 thoughts on “Bloglovin

  1. I’d be interested to hear your opinions on Bloglovin. I signed up a while back thinking it would be better than WP reader. I didn’t last long. Mostly because I wasn’t in the mood to learn how to navigate something new.


    • As things stand, I already forget to check WordPress for the blogs I allegedly follow. (The ones I genuinely follow turn up in my email.) So I don’t have a problem ignoring another wrinkle in the great fabric of the blogosphere. I guess that’s another way of saying that (a) I don’t have an opinion and (b) I probably don’t deserve one. But if anyone actually likes Bloglovin, I’m happy to make life simple for them. Am I on the cutting edge of technology or what?


  2. followed you on bloglovin but how are you getting on with claiming your blog i just cant seem to do this is sending me slightly crazy, you can see my last post has my blog lovin follow to if you want to back :)


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