An update on British thunderstorms

Remember I said thunderstorms in the U.K. are nice, tame little beasts? (That’s not an exact quote, but it’s in the spirit of what I wrote.) Well, on Friday Tom D. posted news of a big honkin’ thunderstorm in Cambridge: 200 lightning strikes a minute, flooding, hail the size of—well, I’ve always thought claims about hailstone size were questionable. You know, hail the size of lemons, of basketballs, of taxicabs. But I did find a picture of a handful of hailstones next to a pound coin and if they weren’t exactly the same size, they were big. They’d have hurt, so why quibble?

So there’s my sort-of retraction. Thunderstorms here can be big and tough if they want to be and, Tom, would you keep them up your way? Thanks.



18 thoughts on “An update on British thunderstorms

  1. Splendid! Thunderstorms figure prominently in the book I’m revising. It’s late and now Must Be In August 1. I’m so glad I didn’t see your first post–and that I don’t have to chuck the book and start all over! HUGE sign of relief.


  2. You know, hail the size of lemons, of basketballs, of taxicabs.

    Brainerd MN had a thunderstorm with hail so big, it knocked Babe the Blue Ox out cold. The hail stones then damned up the Mississippi and… well… it did…truth be told.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: An update on British thunderstorms – agfamilytrustcom

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