Kitten, cat, and dog pictures

This page is here by popular demand–or at least by the demand of two or three readers. It has no redeeming social importance.


Introducing Li’l Red Cat.

Moose, repurposing the Fast Eddie's scratching post, which Eddie wasn't in love with anyway. It didn't survive long after this picture.

Moose, also known as Moosifer, repurposing Fast Eddie’s scratching post, which Eddie wasn’t in love with anyway. It didn’t survive long after this picture.

Introducing (belatedly) Moose, on the right, with Minnie the Moocher on the left

Introducing (belatedly) Moose, on the right, with Minnie the Moocher on the left

Someone sent Fast Eddie a box of catnip. Which explains why he's a little out of focus.

Someone sent Fast Eddie a box of catnip. Which explains why he’s a little out of focus.

the big guy 002

Fast Eddie, on top of the laundry rack.

Moggy. Photo by Skye.

Moggy. Photo by Skye.

Eddie. Photo by Trinity.

Eddie. Photo by Trinity.



july eddie 002

july eddie 041

Our crazy cat lady starter kit arrived in the mail.

Stalking in the spinach.

Stalking in the spinach.

Moggy, who's roughly 19 and, like Queen Victoria, is not amused.

Moggy, who’s roughly 19 and, like Queen Victoria, not amused.



Look closely. This is not just a picture of the dog.

Look closely. This is not just a picture of the dog.

Eddie getting his ears cleaned by the dog, Minnie the Moocher. They seem to agree that she's his mother.

Eddie getting his ears cleaned by Minnie the Moocher. They seem to agree that she’s his mother.

more eddie; fields 062

more eddie; fields 063

87 thoughts on “Kitten, cat, and dog pictures

  1. Pingback: Hopelessly cute kitten pictures: a new page | Notes from the U.K.

  2. Pingback: Cross-cultural adventures: Two Americans call a cat in Britain | Notes from the U.K.

      • We have two at present. One dog, one rabbit that got out and now visits while eating our neighbour’s veges, nine chooks and two white ducks.

        Gets to be like your yard isn’t your own anymore, lol. Oh and when a Chook lays an egg somewhere in the yard, she starts a loud clucking . Then the stupid dog joins in with high pitched howling.

        Liked by 2 people

              • Me too. Don’t know what happened to my brain, it used to be sharp. I’ve gone back to tea, which I gave up because of the caffeine, but it enables me to write on Blog days. Uggh, the Autocorrupt is putting random capitals again, makes all writing take twice as long!

                Liked by 1 person

              • I don’t really know. I can tell you two things: The random capitalization isn’t limited to any one age group–I’ve seen lots of older adults doing it–and a young friend who was taking English in secondary school was assigned just part of a Dickens novel to read, not the whole thing. He learned, predictably, to hate Dickens.

                Liked by 1 person

              • It’s the software/A.I. It should be called A.U as in unintelligent. When I think of autocorrupt, it worries me that A.I. are going to be making many of the decisions in our world. Already they are choosing who gets hired and fired, did you know?

                Liked by 2 people

              • About that specifically? No. About that and other crucial decisions in general, yes. I’ve been reading quite a bit about how supposedly neutral programs encode the prejudices of their creators and the societies around them.

                Liked by 1 person

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