Summing up English culture

T. writes,”I was on a bus with about 15 other people and it broke down. Everyone politely got off the bus and onto the replacement and then sat in EXACTLY THE SAME SEATS as they were in before. I’ve never felt so English. The thing is, as we were walking between the buses I knew it was going to happen, and that I would play my own part in it. There is some peer pressure you simply cannot escape.”

So what I said about it being futile to sum up a culture? Wrong again, apparently. But joyously so. Thanks, T.

North Cornwall

Irrelevant photo: You can look at almost any tree around here and see which way the prevailing winds blow.

35 thoughts on “Summing up English culture

  1. I originate from (a now non-existant) ex-colonial country, which means we had a strong British influence in the formation of our cultural norms. That is exactly who we were. Thank you for sharing your observations. They taste like home.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What a wonderful example of people being good and decent to each other. I would imagine that, if this situation happened in the US, all those who felt they had inferior seats on the first bus would have taken advantage of the situation and elbowed their way to the front so they could choose better seats on the new bus.

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  3. That this has a very strong appeal scares me just a bit, but then maybe that is just American culture shaming me for my lack of ambition when it comes to climbing over others to get something better. This exact thing happened to me once here in California and I did the English thing without a thought–yes, the exact same seat. My English genes, away nearly 400 years, long to go home.

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  4. This is excellent, Ellen! England has many, many faults but I am English to my core and despite now living on the other side of the world I can’t see this changing. Other typically English traits you may have encountered… apologising for EVERYTHING whether you are at fault or not “sorry!”; a cup of tea being the solution to anything in life (I personally feel highly uncomfortable setting foot in a home that does not contain a kettle and teabags); waxing lyrical with some of the best colloquial slang on the planet (surely?!). I used to live in Newcastle-upon-Tyne for many years – there’s so much Geordie slang it’s like another language. I absolutely loved it!

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    • I’ve come to believe that tea does solve everything. About an hour ago, we got home from having had a tire blow out on the road to Truro and what did I do? Make a cup of tea. I feel better, although I can’t quite put the day back the way it was supposed to run.

      And England may have many faults, but what country doesn’t?


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