Cats, dogs, and questions

Cats: Our oldest cat, Moggy, died a couple of weeks back. She was 18 or 19. Or maybe 20. She was a rescue cat, so we never really knew her age and she didn’t much care so we never got a sensible answer out of her on the subject. She’s much missed, but we figured it was time to let Fast Eddie be the only cat.

Ha. M. and J. had a very friendly stray desperate for a home and yelling bloody murder outside their house and since J.’s allergic the cat’s now at our house and settling in nicely, thanks. We call him the Big Guy.

the big guy 017


He’s not thrilled that we have a dog, but he’s likes the food bowl and the amount of attention he’s getting. We’re checking around to see if we can find his original owner. He’s a lovely cat and somebody somewhere misses him. The going theory is that he jumped in a delivery van and ended up here.

The dog? All she wants to do is knock him down, stand on him, and clean his ears. Which she considers a friendly gesture. We kept them separate for a few days and she had a hard time with it.

the big guy 019the big guy 021













At this point, we can leave them in the same room together as long as we’re there to keep the peace. He and Fast Eddie doing fine. I’ll add some new Fast Eddie photos to the Kitten, cat, and dog page for you cat-picture addicts. So there you have the dog and cat update. It’s totally irrelevant to the blog’s topic.

Questions: Actually, that’s only one question: Do you have a topic you’d like me to address, either about the U.S. or Britain? Let me know what it is and—well, if you’ve been around for a while you know what I’m like. If it grabs me I’ll write about it. I may even be informative—you never know. So give me a push and let’s see what direction we head in. And yes, I’m ending a sentence with a preposition. Because in English it just makes sense.

So daring.

54 thoughts on “Cats, dogs, and questions

  1. Cats and dogs often have a microchip under the skin of the neck. A quick visit to a local vet can let them scan for a chip that could reveal a worried and heart broken owner as he looks too gorgeous to be unwanted.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Sorry about Moggy. Big Guy is a ginger and will survive anything – I know, I’ve had two…and the puppy, well he sounds so sweet. Big Guy seems there to stay. BTW, our old lady, a Pavement Persian, adopted from a couple who split up was also about 19 when she went to kitty heaven….

    Fresh out of questions right now, though :)

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I’m sorry to hear about Moggy. Cats leave a big gap when they go.
    I think we Brits are a bit short on things to celebrate at this time of year. With Thanksgiving coming up I wondered if you could give us the lowdown on how we could join in. Do we Brits have what it takes to re-instate Thanksgiving over this side of the pond?

    Liked by 2 people

      • I think we can manage that. Bit like a rehearsal for Christmas Day! What about a lesson in patriotism – the US is great at flying the flag and we seem to apologise for thinking we might be a little bit ok in some very small areas of life but only whisper about it in the baked bean aisle in the supermarket on a Tuesday afternoon – unless it’s in a month with an R in it. We must have something worth unfurling a flag for, please help us

        Liked by 1 person

        • I must not have wandered through the baked beans aisle on a Tuesday during the right month, because I hadn’t noticed the whispers. I have noticed that there aren’t as many flags and I kind of appreciate that. As a general rule, I know what country I’m in and never saw the point of endlessly reminding people. But you’re right–interesting topic.

          Liked by 2 people

  4. Sorry about Moggy. It never seems to matter how old or how long we’ve had them, our pets become family and leave a gap when they’re gone.

    The last night I was in London, I had some kind of gooey toffee desert (sticky something). I wrote my friend in Ipswich and said “why did you send us the Beatles and keep this a secret?” but he never replied. This makes me think there’s a law against describing that dish. If you choose not to write about this or toffee, I’ll understand (but it will confirm my suspicion).

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I love the name, ‘Big Guy,’ as it is a nickname for a friend of mine. I now realise that this sounds odd but it’s because he’s tall and I’ll shut up now. Cats do have a tendency to pick their own homes and he looks to be awfully settled with you.

    I am so sorry to hear the news of Moggy…terribly heartbreaking. Perhaps Big Guy knew that there’d be room at the Inn.

    Oh yes, prepositions; why does that happen. I’m always being picked up for this and try as I might, it keeps on happening, but as you say, it does make sense in English.

    Topics……. well, what about the cuts and in particular, the Mental Health Services in this country or HMRC and their plans to close all offices in the east and relocate to Londontown?

    Liked by 2 people

  6. I am sorry to hear about Moggy, Ellen. I know how that feels. Our pets are just like family members. Each time one passes here, I mourn for years, forever, in fact. Sigh.

    As for a question about Britain. My family is from England and I grew up with a lot of rules. When I go back to the UK, I get the impression that the Brits (my family included) see Americans as naughty children and treat us accordingly. I so love England and thought of moving there eventually but I feel I might resent being seen in such a negative light. What do you think? Am I imagining this? I hope this isn’t too rude to ask!

    Liked by 4 people

  7. Hi Ellen,
    I’m sorry to hear about your loss. I know how it feels, havinf had to let go of our Chiquita a while ago. Animals are always such wonderful companions and we get used to having them around. So it”s difficult when they go – ever so difficult. But then, you still have Fast Eddie and the dog. Enjoy their company.
    Have a great weekend,

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Virtual hugs for the loss of Moggy. I hope you get some small comfort from the memories her.

    And a big hearty welcome to Big Guy! I can’t wait to see what adventures he gets up to within your menagerie.

    Hmmm…questions. I have one. What do you like and dislike about British television? I know there are plenty of Americans who think the programming is mostly Masterpiece quality. Maybe they should know the truth.


  9. So sorry to hear about Moggy (love the names you come up with for your dears)! That hole they leave behind in our lives almost gives me pause about getting another one, but then that other one is sometimes the best cure. I’m betting that Big Guy might be there to stay (I love gingers, but allergies preclude anything other than a non-shedding poodle in the house.)
    Think you might enjoy this:

    Liked by 1 person

  10. HUGS and condolences on Moggy. We have had to let 4 of ours go over the 23 years that we have been together and each one left a hole in our hearts. Fortunately, the world is full of cats, so there are always others to come and dig a fresh hole and curl up in it.

    You want a question? How about this: how do you feel about using “they” as a singular pronoun (in place of the ugly he/she/they)? Or using “she” in place of “he” as the preferred pronoun? I am doing both in the book that I am writing this month as part of the Write Nonfiction In November challenge and I expect to get some pushback from some folks about both of those.


  11. Pingback: Celebrating Thanksgiving | Notes from the U.K.

  12. Pingback: Fiddling with grammar during a refugee crisis | Notes from the U.K.

  13. Pingback: Prohibition and sticky toffee desserts | Notes from the U.K.

  14. Pingback: The British and their pets | Notes from the U.K.

  15. Pingback: Adaptation and pig headedness | Notes from the U.K.

    • Thanks, Pilch. Moggy left a big gap behind. Big Guy, as it turned out, had no intention of filling it. He stayed only long enough to get his belly full and his coat looking good again, then he left us. We didn’t hear anything for weeks, then the village gossip exchange brought word that he’d gone back to the area where he was first found–he must like the view; it’s great there–and a new family had taken him in. I stopped by with some cat food we’d had for Moggy (our other cat, Fast Eddie, is still eating kitten food), and he seems happy there. So happy ending all around. We–I don’t know why exactly–never felt that he was anything more than a guest here. As long as he has a good home, we’re happy.


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